Friday, July 16, 2010

Draw the Dog

The creators of a fairly new website really would love to hear about your dog’s silly antics or nature. Jim George, a former Disney animator, and his friend Bruce Kasanoff launched Draw a Dog which features black and white cartoons (Picture above is from their website) that seemingly draw themselves. The best way I can describe this website ~ Draw the Dog, is by sharing with you what the owners say on their page.

“Welcome to the happiest “Spot” on the Web! We post a new cartoon every day, except for Sunday, when we rest.

Draw the Dog is drawn by Jim George, one of your typical ex-Disney animators who lives near the beach in Venice and once spent years animating in a cabin in the woods and who has been creating characters for film and TV and who has been a director and book author and who also has a counseling practice and who really likes animals and people, too.

Sure, these guys are a dime a dozen, but Jim is also quite sincere and seldom eats more than his fair share of food.

Of course, left to his own devices, Jim would almost certainly run out of good ideas shortly before global warming turns Las Vegas into a waterfront resort, so the whole idea – one might say the beauty and wonder underlying it – of this site is that most cartoons are inspired by real life dogs and their real life antics.

Jim draws the cartoons; Bruce Kasanoff does everything else. This is because Bruce can’t draw and Jim doesn’t want to do anything else.

Make your dog famous. Or maybe infamous.

Since the vast majority of dogs have trouble typing, we depend on folks like you (dog owners, that is) to write us with descriptions of your canine companions and their exploits.
You can do this here. Or here. (Same place – didn’t want you to miss it.)

If Jim is inspired by your story, we will write “inspired by (your dog’s name) in (your town and state) above the resulting cartoon, so be sure to tell us – you guessed it – your dog’s name and where you live. Please don’t get upset if you see a cartoon of a dog digging through the garbage and you think, “Hey! I sent Jim a story about my dog digging through the garbage!” Dogs like that sort of thing.

The details count. Take the story about the two Great Danes who ended up on the roof of a porch, after one of them opened the screen on a second story window… yes, we are definitely talking about you, Dusty and Dixie. We get stories about two Great Danes on the roof, well, occasionally. But it was the plight of the owner trying to tell the fire department what happened that shifted this story into overdrive.

By the way, don’t worry about the humor or artwork; that’s Jim’s job. You just tell us what actually happened, and he’ll do the rest.”

Jim and Bruce

The main purpose of is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at

We would also love to have you connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Doggie-Corral on Facebook
Doggie-Corral on Twitter


  1. My Boxer, Makenzie, is always paws on my desk watching the screen. I just told her the other day that she needed to find her own sites and here it is! She goes nuts when she sees videos or pictures of other dogs. I'm going to check it out. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Vicki, I can relate to your problem. I have a Basset, Chunky, and he thinks he needs to be on my lap if I'm on the computer. That was cute and no problem when he was a pup. That ain't so any more! I can barely reach the mouse and key board when he's in his favorite position. I've been closing the door so he can't reach me when I get on line. I'm checking out Draw the Dog too. Sounds like fun!

  3. Checking it out now. Love the Funny Pet Images. Good advice and a laugh a day is what I get from this site!

  4. This is a great idea!!! Our dog does some funny stuff. Thank you for this.
