Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Taming the Doggie Drag Hinny

Not only can it be a bit embarrassing when your dog drags it hinny across the carpet or lawn, it can also be a sign your dog is sick or with disease especially if accompanied with vomiting, pain, fever, lethargy, blood in stool, or diarrhea. More commonly, a dog dragging its hinny across the ground is a sign that your dog ate something he/she shouldn’t have and its body is working in overtime to flush it out.

This of course irritates your dog’s bootie and your dog finds relief by dragging it across the ground. It is similar to a person scratching their back on a corner of a wall to relieve an itch.

If your dog is dragging its bootie and has other symptoms other than just diarrhea, by all means seek a vets opinion to make sure it is nothing serious, as well if diarrhea last more than two days. If your dog is just p[resenting with diarrhea there are many canine friendly remedies that can help calm the runs. Other cause of a dog feeling the need to drag their hinny is worms so make sure that your dog is current on worming treatments.

The main purpose of Doggie-Corral.com is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at Doggie-Corral.com.

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  1. I guess you learn something new every day. I always thought when a dog did that it was because they had intestinal worms. What you said makes sense too.

  2. I've seen our dog do that too. I never had any clue what he was up to. I always put him outside for a while and by the time he came back in he had stopped. My brother told me he was scratching an itch.

  3. THanks for the information and tip! My dog did this last week--thankfully not anymore.
