Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What to look at when selecting a Dog Trainer

When looking to hire a dog trainer, probably one of the most important things is that you and the trainer have the same feelings towards methods used in training. If you cannot communicate effectively or see eye to eye on your goal for your dog, then you can’t expect your dog to fare well little lone the training to be effective. After all, as the dog’s owner, you will also do a large part of the training.

When hiring a trainer, you should feel that the person you hire would verbally explain how to easily train your dog in a variety of ways and be able to demonstrate physically those procedures to you. Other qualities a good trainer should possess are openness to questions; be supportive and responsive; willingness to provide feedback; and the ability to teach you how to live and work with your dog.

Things that will quickly demonstrate that a trainer is not good for you and your dog are poor communication; an obvious prejudice against you or your dog breed; and a tendency to express negativity toward other trainers or their methods.

The main purpose of Doggie-Corral.com is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at Doggie-Corral.com.

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  1. What a great picture! My dog would be dragging the chair, or trying to eat it. He has no manners at all. I've thought about sending him to obedience school, he sure could use it. I would definitely be checking credentials before I left my best friend with strangers.

  2. I was pretty lucky with the training of my first dog. He was very receptive. My girl friend's dog is a different story. Nothing I've tried seens to work. I'm ready to turn her over to a professional trainer. Thanks for the advice on picking one.
