Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kids going back to School ~ What’s a Dog to do?

Summer vacation is almost over for most kids and that means back to the daily grind of kids getting up early and being sent away for the day while their beloved pet stays behind. Expect your dog to react poorly, especially the first couple weeks as it readjust its schedule. It was used to being able to play outside with the kids and receiving far more attention than when the kids are gone all day at school.

Here is a few tips that can help ease the transition:

Start getting your dog ready for the transition a couple weeks prior to the first day school is back in session. Most parents do this with their children anyhow, so just incorporate your dog in to the activity as well. This means early bedtimes, lights out and alarm clocks waking everyone up as if it was an actual school day. This gets your dog back into a school sleep schedule and your kids too.

Schedule 15 minutes into the morning schedule where your children can have a little play time/walk with the family dog/puppy before heading off to school. This will help lessen tearful and high anxiety good byes when it is time to head off to school for the day.

Right before it is time for your children to head off to school for the day, you’re your dog/puppy into its kennel and offer it a new chew bone or a stuffable dog toy filled with treats. This should keep him/her distracted and happy while the children walk out the door.

When the children arrive home from school, schedule a 15 minute or more break in their schedule to spend time with the dog. These things will help make the transition back into the school days easier for both your dog and your children

The main purpose of Doggie-Corral.com is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at Doggie-Corral.com.

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  1. My kids and the dog are constant companions so I know that school starting in a couple of weeks is going to be different for all of them. I appreciate the hints. I'm going to start doing that tonight. I hope it works. That poor dog is going to be spending some lonely days waiting for the bus.

  2. School starts here next Monday. We got a puppy 3 weeks before school was out and she and the kids have been having a ball all summer. They are constantly together. I don't know who will be more upset about the separation. It's probably a toss up.
