Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dog Loving Parasites ~ Heartworm

No dog is safe from the heart-worm disease anymore; it is now found in every state. The heart-worm disease is a mosquito borne disease and is easily preventable and treatment to day is safer than it ever has been.

The heart-worm is a parasite worm (Dirofilaria immitis) that lives in the lungs and the heart’s right chambers. Left untreated, these worms multiply and grow up to 12 inches in length, eventually leading to serious or fatal disease of the lungs, heart, liver, or kidneys.

Heart-worm is transferred trough the bite of a infected mosquito. There is no observable signs that your dog has been infected with heart-worm until the disease progresses. Then you will notice coughing, heavy breathing/panting, and exercise intolerance. It is diagnosed through Antigen blood test. If positive, it will be followed by X-rays, additional blood tests, and other diagnostics to assess the severity of the disease.

The American Heartworm Society (AHS) recommends year round heart worm prevention available in six-month injectable and in monthly oral or spot on formulations, some which prevent fleas as well as other types of worms. They also recommend annual antigen testing to check for heart-worm, especially if using an oral preventive or if you miss a dose.

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  1. I count on the local vet to make sure my dogs are clear of any parasites. I lost a dog to heart worms when I was a teenager and I swore that would never happen again. By the time he was showing his sickness, it was too late to save him.

  2. What a horrible thing for a dog to have. The vet gives our dogs the shots twice a year. No dog should have to suffer with this.

  3. This is a fantastic reminder for folks with dogs. Keep them protected so they do not end up with this horrific disease.

  4. Oh yuck!! I can barely look at the picture! Taking my dog in to the vets to make sure she is healthy!
