Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Teach your Dog to “Come” on Command.

“Come” comes in real handy when you own a dog and one of the most important commands you can teach your dog, for its safety and your own sanity. With a few simple steps you can have your dog “coming” on command.

Start with your palm open offering a treat to your dog while saying “come” or “here”. When your dog touches your hand while taking the treat reward him/her verbally by saying “yes” or Good”. Repeat this three times.

.Now, offer your dog your empty open palm saying “come” or “here”. When your dog touches your hand say “yes” or “good” and quickly drop a treat into the target hand (the one it touches) and let her/him eat the treat. Repeat this 5 times.

Now, call “here” or “come” (always use the same command word) from several feet away having your hand out. Reward verbally when he/she touches it. Increase the distance when he/she gets good at following the command. Gradually add more challenges (like when he/she is distracted) until your dog’s response becomes reliable.

The main purpose of Doggie-Corral.com is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at Doggie-Corral.com.

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  1. I'm trying this one tomorrow. It frustrates me to no end when I call Sam and she just sits there and looks at me. She knows what I want her to do, there's no doubt about that. Occasionally she even obeys me. I hope this works for her sake and my sanity!

  2. Actually, I think this is the most important thing you can teach your dog. It may save his life one day.

  3. If you love your dog, this will be the first thing you teach them. Young dogs are impulsive and may need to be more firmly controlled than older dogs. Every member of the household needs to be able to do this. It's no good if the dog only answers to one master when there are several who care for him.
