Friday, January 14, 2011

Prevent Your Dog from Barking

Does your dog bark too much for your liking? Are your neighbors complaining about your dog? Do you have a new puppy that likes to bark at the slightest noise or movement? There are ways to prevent your dog from barking.

Your dog needs socialization. Your dog will get used to other human beings, other dogs, cats and animals and the many noises there are in the world. If you and your puppy/dog are alone and you keep your puppy or dog in a quiet apartment or house, it will only bark more.

You can take a training class with your puppy or dog, too. You will learn how to prevent barking and so much more. Your dog likes to learn commands and actually thrives on them.

If your dog already barks a lot you can correct this. First you have to note the things that cause your dog to bark. Once you know you can begin training your dog. You must control and show that you are ahead of your dog in the pack for the training to be successful. You will be amazed that you will be able to control your dog’s barking once he starts with certain training methods such as submissive techniques, on command, using treats and/or leash correction.

If your dog barks when someone knocks on the front door as most dogs do to let you know someone is here, but you do not want your dog to bark, you can train him. Have a family member knock on the front door. When your dog starts barking command him to stop. When he stops award him with a treat or by saying “good boy”. Only reward your dog when he follows your command. Once your dog has this down you can move onto more difficult barking situations.

The main purpose of is to provide dog owners with an entire line of dog supplies needed to care for their beloved pets. We ship to the entire United States and provide a one stop shopping experience. We offer dog-training aids, dog insurance, health care essentials, dog apparel (e.g. dog shirts, Dog Pro sports apparel, dog boots, dog coats, dog College Sports apparel, dog blankets, dog sweaters, dog pajamas),dog beds, plastic and wood doghouses, dog crates and kennels, dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, dog and puppy foods, dog grooming products and more. Feel free to check us out at

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  1. Very helpful suggestions. My dog wakes up our neighbors every morning--they are not very happy with us.

  2. Dog classes REALLY helped Vetta. She would NOT stop barking. So irritating. We tried everything. Good advice.

  3. THANK YOU! We are dying over here with our dog that just does not quit!!!

  4. Great tips. I do not like shock collars and these tips were kind.

  5. Trying the knock on the door approach to train our little dog. It is working!!

  6. SIgning up for a dog training class on Monday. Desperately needed here. Our dog is out of control..I cannot walk husband even has a difficult time with all of the pulling the dog does.

  7. Training class really helped us with our dog. She is obedient and darn near perfect now!
